Vital Springtime Outdoor Plumbing Tasks
Springtime is the time of rejuvenation all around your Upper Darby, PA home. From a thorough spring cleaning indoors to sprucing up your yard for plenty of summertime fun, the approach of spring is the perfect time to make sure that your outdoor plumbing tasks are completed.
Whether you’re planning to spend all of your time by the pool or working hard in the garden, your outdoor plumbing system is an essential part of your summer tasks and fun. Take the time to ensure that your outdoor plumbing system is ready to perform to its fullest during the warm months by following along with this helpful guide:
Inspect Your Outdoor Faucets
For all other aspects of your outdoor plumbing system to work effectively, your outdoor faucets must be able to provide the water you need.
As spring is fast approaching, take time to get outside and inspect the integrity of your outdoor faucets. Turn on the water connection faucets for your outdoor plumbing system, and inspect the connected line for any leaks, along with the water pressure coming out of the faucet.
If you notice any leaks in the connection line or a lack of water pressure, you may need to get in touch with a plumbing professional. They can identify the issue and let you know if any outdoor pipes need to be repaired or replaced.
Check All Hoses for Leaks
As a vital part of your springtime outdoor plumbing tasks, checking your hose for leaks is one of the easier jobs. If you disconnected your hose for the winter months, reconnect it, turn on the water flow, and check for any leaks spraying out of the hose.
Upon noticing a leak, you may be able to simply patch it up. Otherwise, it may be time to invest in a new hose. Either repair the leak or invest in a new hose.
Inspect Your In-Ground Sprinklers
In-ground sprinklers may be more difficult to identify leaks in, but it’s essential that any leak is caught early to minimize yard damage and save water.
Turn on the sprinkler for a brief period, and inspect your yard for any large puddles that may have formed. If you find any, or if the water pressure from your sprinkler heads is not what is should be, have an outdoor plumbing professional assess the issue.
Regularly Check and Clean Your Gutters
Your gutters and drainage system protect both the exterior and interior of your home from excessive water damage. It’s important to clean your gutters both before and after the cool winter months, or twice a year, as they are prone to obstructions from outdoor debris.
When left unchecked and unclean, the buildup can begin to mold, form a blockage, and cause costly water damage to your home.
By making sure that your springtime outdoor plumbing tasks are taken care of ahead of time, you can address the necessary issues for a summertime full of fun with cooling water readily available.