Service technician standing near furnace unit

Count on Us for Expert Furnace Replacement

Replacing your furnace is a big decision that can influence not just warmth you feel in your home but the energy efficiency of your entire HVAC system. By investing in professional furnace replacement from experienced local installers, you can be certain you get the right furnace for your family.

Taking the time to identify the right replacement model is about saving you money in energy bills and finding a furnace that can guarantee dependable warmth even on those frigid cold evenings. We have the training and expertise to install your replacement furnace properly, making sure it performs well for years to come. With furnace replacement services from McLoughlin Plumbing Heating & Cooling, your family will enjoy the comfort of your home all year-round! We’ll provide you a free quote today by giving us a call at 610-649-8080.

How Is Furnace Replacement Different from Installation?

As you’d expect, furnace installation is the process of setting up a furnace, connecting it to the property and the rest of the HVAC system. Furnace replacement is largely similar but involves removing and disposing the existing furnace then replacing it with a brand-new one. It’s important to understand the differences between furnace installation and furnace replacement because they involve different processes and require specific skill sets.

When you’re thinking about replacing your furnace, it’s important to consider your comfort priorities. Our team can help you choose the perfect furnace system that addresses those focal points while also ensuring proper installation so that it runs efficiently from day one.

Contact Us Now Or Call 610-649-8080

Top Five Things to Consider During Furnace Replacement



Your furnace needs to be a specific size to provide the most energy-efficient heating. A small furnace will struggle to warm a large, cold room, and even furnaces that are oversized for a property can cause troubles such as short cycling. If the problem gets bad enough, it may need a furnace repair.


Energy Efficiency

Look for heating systems with the ENERGY STAR logo and high efficiency ratings, as this will guarantee saving more money on utility bills in the long run. You can find out the furnace’s efficiency through its Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency rating, which shows how much fuel is converted into heat.



Contemporary furnaces come manufactured with features designed to improve performance or offer additional HVAC support. Comparing makes and models can ensure you find a product with worthwhile features, such as smart technology compatibility.


Maintenance needs

Beyond replacing the air filter, most people cannot maintain their own furnace system. The more sophisticated a model is, the more maintenance they might call for, which should be factored into your overall budget. Like we said, changing the air filter is easy, but more comprehensive maintenance safer when handled by the professionals.



Only consider furnace makes and models that fit your budget. Remember to take into account the lifespan of the furnace, which can be prolonged if you invest in professional services like furnace maintenance.

Two HVAC technicians performing a furnace replacement service

Find Your Ideal Replacement Furnace Today

At McLoughlin Plumbing Heating & Cooling, we are dedicated to making the replacement process as trouble-free as possible. Our certified furnace installers will make sure your furnace is replaced correctly with a new model that will last for years to come. Contact us at 610-649-8080 for a free quote.

Save Even More with Special Offers

A complete sense of comfort shouldn’t be out of anyone’s budget. McLoughlin Plumbing Heating & Cooling lightens the load with seasonal promotions, discounts and other special offers. These offers help lower costs for key services, new equipment or whatever else you need for your comfort and peace of mind. Check out our current offers for more details on how to save.

Committed to Comfort from the Very Start

While a long history of service is impressive, nothing is more important to customer satisfaction than a dedication to total comfort. McLoughlin Plumbing Heating & Cooling considers your peace of mind our top priority, and that hasn’t changed since we first opened our doors. Learn more about our history, and how our communities support us just as much as we support you.